रविवार, सितंबर 08, 2024

Rag Vrindavani Saarang

Rag Vrindavani Saarang 

It was the time, I was extremely busy in the laboratory along with my Ph.D. student to look for a signal, I was also learning a "Raga" in "Hindustani Vocal" known as "Vrindavani Sarang".

A Raga could be a longer version or a shorter version.  The shorter version which could quickly enjoyed by almost everyone is "Chhota Khayal". The longer ones "Bada Khayal" are for experts and real music lovers who have much more time to sing and enjoy.

The signal I mentioned in the beginning was like searching something -which was there but-  could not be found  due to various reasons.  But we were after it and finally with the helps of friends around and some extra purchases, better alignments and hard work to the extent possible by the magician student- we could achieve it! But no surprises, we just reproduced a tiny version of it-  which could be called as a 'good start'- just 'a drop in the ocean'.  We still had to go a long way- but the path was now known to us!

In the same time- this particular composition of Rag Vrindavani Saarang was being practiced and was befitting to the experiments.

Sthai:  Van -Van Dhundhan Jaauun. Kitahun shhup gaye krishna murari- van van...

Antara:  Sheesh Mukut aur Kaanan Kundal, Bansshi dhar man raang firaat , girdhaaaaaariii.  Vana Van...


Before you start singing a raga, there are some initial keywords, 'key lines' , abstract of the raga we need to introduce- these are known as "aroh,   awroh and pakad"   A Raga may not have all 12 swaras (sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha ni , komal re, ga, dha, ni  and tivra ma.  Therefore, it is categorized as Adav-Avad (5,5) i.e. it should have 5 swaras each in aroh and awroh Or Shadav-Adav (6,5) or Sampoorn-Sampoorn (7,7) etc.. Mind you- no other swaras than them can come in the singing of that rag at all! 

Here is Vrindavani Saarang (audav, sampoorn)  uploaded on Facebook with Aroh/ awroh and pakad and sthai:



More later.

Best wishes,


Sept. 8, 2025

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