मंगलवार, अगस्त 23, 2022

A new book on photonics: An Introduction to Photonics and Laser Physics with Applications

Dear friends,

Almost working for about more than 6 years I have been able to publish a "text book" on lasers and related applications.  The text book may be suitable for B.Sc./ M.Sc. B.Tech as well as PH.D. level students.  This will also serve as a reference book to teachers as well as those who work in the area of lasers and spectroscopy.

While this is an introductory book on lasers, it also gives nonlinear optical applications and other modern areas of laser physics. 

I am thinking if we can translate it in Hindi or any other language.

Book Link:  https://iopscience.iop.org/book/mono/978-0-7503-5226-0