यहाँ की हवा बदलती है तो अमेरिका को भी चिंता हो जाती है.
इस तरह की बातें पाठक जी बताते थे.
SAVIDYA (HIMWATS) की कार्य रेखा के अंतर्गत मुझे एक सेमिनार के आयोजन का गौरव प्राप्त हुआ:
Lectures by ARIES, NAINITAL Scientists Dr. Wahab Uddin & Dr. Umesh Dumka at Champawat GIC. 1 June.2011-
1. Dr. Wahab Uddin speaks on “Solar activity and Space Weather”
1. Dr. Wahab Uddin speaks on “Solar activity and Space Weather”
2.Dr. Umesh Chandra Dumka speaks on
“Earth atmosphere and atmospheric aerosols and their climate impact”
3. I spoke on lasers and possibility of Alumni Association of GIC Champawat. SHG of Nd:YAG laser and a diode laser were demonstrated.
In the picture: Dr. Wahab giving his lecture.
[Before starting the seminar, the secretary of Savidya, my elder brother (a retired faculty of IITK) Prof. Bist enlightened the audience on the activities of schools, science day, world environment week and various aspects of Savidya (under ASHA for education.]
Actually the world environment day was also celebrated in various schools on Saturday 4th June (as 5th June was a Sunday) by lectures of several teachers at various schools supported by SAVIDYA.
[Before starting the seminar, the secretary of Savidya, my elder brother (a retired faculty of IITK) Prof. Bist enlightened the audience on the activities of schools, science day, world environment week and various aspects of Savidya (under ASHA for education.]
Actually the world environment day was also celebrated in various schools on Saturday 4th June (as 5th June was a Sunday) by lectures of several teachers at various schools supported by SAVIDYA.
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