मंगलवार, मई 21, 2024

India New Eduction Policy: some links

The new education policy bill was passed by the government in 2020. There is a visible change in the class wise distribution (total number of years is 5 (primary) +3 (middle school) +3 (high school) +4 (graduation).  This means while the B.A, B.Sc., B.tech. B.Com degrees are for 4 years (instead of 3 in last 2 decades).  Some of us will remember even 2 year degree courses followed y 2 more years of Masters degree.  The master's degree has now been linked with the sort of qualifying exam for Ph.D. in the sense that unless one wants to pursue higher education, one need not do master's degree at all.  4 year degree course  will contain all the material the student is supposed to  learn.   This is now similar to other countries in Europe such as Germany.

Link 1


Link 2


Link 3 (PDF) from NCERT


Link 4 (from MHRD) 


May 21, 2024


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