संस्कृत को कुछ ऐसे शुरू कर सकते हैं. :
The main difference being the further split of plural form for "2 people" and more than "2 people"!
1a. English
He those two those many [In English 2nd and 3rd column can be expressed as same]
you you two you
me we two us
He those two those many [In English 2nd and 3rd column can be expressed as same]
you you two you
me we two us
1b. In Sanskrit there is a clear difference between 2 (people) and more than 2 (people)
(Sanskrit) 1c. Romanization of sanskrit
Singular pair Plural
एकवचन द्विवचन बहुबचन
सः तौ ते (प्र पु o ) sah (he) tau (these 2) te (all of them)
त्वम युवाम यूयं (म पु o ) twm (you) yuwam (2 of you) yuyam .(you all)
अहं आवाम वयम (उ पु o ) ahm (me) awam (2 of us) vayam ... us
["wah" is written as "wa:" and "sah" is written as "sa:" etc, "h" is replaced with a colon (:) ].
२. Verbs end with the following
एकवचन द्विवचन बहुबचन
ति तः अन्ति ti tah anti
सि थ: थ si thah tha
मि वः म mi wah m
["wah" is written as "wa:" and "sah" is written as "sa:" etc, "h" is replaced with a colon (:) ].
["wah" is written as "wa:" and "sah" is written as "sa:" etc, "h" is replaced with a colon (:) ].
3. S.no. 1+ S.No. 2 : Any sentence then can be made by using the Noun and corresponding ending of a verb as follows.
सः ति तौ तः ते अन्ति
त्वम सि युवाम थ: यूयं थ
अहं मि आवाम वः वयम म
उदाहरण (Example):
The sentence " He goes" with "He" as "sa:" with the verb "go" as "Gachch" will take the form (see 1 above):
सः गच्छति। (Hindi meaning: वह जाता है.) He goes. (Sanskrit): Sah Gachchhti.
ते गच्छन्ति। वे जाते हैं. They go. Te Gachchhanti.
अहं गच्छामि। मैं जाता हूं . I go. Ahm Gachchhami.
5. एक श्लोक है: (बंगलुरु से आया है: shri राम दत्त पांडे जी ने सुनाया- 8th May 2015)
जन्म -जन्म यदभ्यस्ते दानमद्ध्य्नम तप: ।
तेनैवभ्यास योगेन देहि चाभ्यस्ते पुन:॥
janm-janm ydbhystam daanmdhdhyanm taph,
tenaiwbhyaas yogen dehi chaabhyste punah.
अर्थ के लिए संधि विच्छेद :
जन्म -जन्म यदा अभ्यस्ते दानम- च अद्ध्य्नम- तप: ।
तेनैव अभ्यास योगेन, देहि च अभ्यस्ते पुन:॥
If you keep on practicing the donations, studies and yoga...
Due to these practices , the next life would again keep (at least the part of ) those practices.
1. Some more slokas from this blog are here
1. Some more slokas from this blog are here
2. इस पेपर में ऐसा कुछ लिखा है कि संस्कृत भाषा कम्प्यूटर या कृत्रिम दिमाग के लिए अनुकूल है. हालाँकि ये शोध पत्र करीब ३५ साल पुराना है , इसलिए थोड़ा सा "please take it with a pinch of salt".
More later.
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